Bellevue City: 12/11/24

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The Bellevue City Council met on December 11, 2024, to address key issues and celebrate transitions. The council approved various ordinances, including updates to zoning regulations for medical cannabis facilities and allocating American Rescue Plan Act funds for infrastructure projects. Updates highlighted street resurfacing funded by ARPA, new playground installations, and city building improvements. The meeting acknowledged outgoing council members for their service and welcomed newly elected members. Local initiatives such as the fire department’s toy drive and community food donations were emphasized, along with efforts to support downtown small businesses through events and marketing campaigns. This summary was generated using AI.


Consideration of Minutes: November 13, 2024 00:01:11

Correspondence 00:01:23

Treasurer's Report 00:01:28

Council Reports 00:02:38

Mayor's Report 00:02:46

Administrator Report 00:04:51

Staff Reports – Police, Fire, Code Enforcement, Engineer Projects Report and Public Services

Audience Participation 00:08:34

New Business 00:20:32

Ordinance 2024-12-01 00:20:34

Ordinance 2024-12-01 an ordinance amending the text of the official zoning ordinance for the City of Bellevue, Kentucky related to medical cannabis facilities.

Order 2024-12-01 00:22:20

Order 2024-12-01 an order terminating a new professional services agreement for engineering services.

Order 2024-12-02 00:22:45

Order 2024-12-02 an order authorizing the issuance of a Request for Qualifications for a personal services contract for civil engineering services.

Order 2024-12-03 00:23:35

Order 2024-12-03 an order approving an agreement with the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet related to the resurfacing streets and sidewalk improvements project.

Order 2024-12-04 00:24:02

Order 2024-12-04 an order reappointing Danielle McDonald to a three-year term as a member to the City of Bellevue Human Rights Commission.

Order 2024-12-05 00:24:29

Order 2024-12-05 an order appointing Rebecca Simpson as a member to the City of Bellevue Planning and Zoning Commission

Order 2024-12-06,07, and 08 00:24:52

Order 2024-12-06 an order appointing Kara Harp as a member to the City of Bellevue Fire Board. Order 2024-12-07 an order reappointing Steve Guidugli as a member to the City of Bellevue Fire Board. Order 2024-12-08 an order reappointing Janet Shipp as a member to the City of Bellevue Fire Board.

Order 2024-12-09 00:25:35

Order 2024-12-09 an order of the Board of Council of the City of Bellevue, Kentucky, authorizing the execution of a second amendment to open-end leasehold mortgage and security agreement (with lessor joinder) in favor of First Financial Bank related to the Kent Lofts Project in Bellevue, KY.

Order 2024-12-10 00:26:11

Announcements 00:28:24

Good and Welfare 00:28:27

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