Southgate City: 1/22/25

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The Southgate City Council meeting on January 22, 2025, welcomed new council members Elizabeth Hartman and Jackson Curry, who were sworn in after recent elections. Discussions focused on infrastructure updates, including praise for Public Works’ efficient snow removal efforts and plans to repair broken snow plows. The council approved a bid of $87,000 from Kramer and Feldman for improvements to the evidence room, emphasizing its importance for accreditation. Additionally, the council began deliberations on an ordinance to amend zoning regulations for accessory dwelling units, reflecting growing interest from residents. A motion was also passed to name a future park at the old tennis court site as "Southgate Optimist Club Park" once the green space is fully developed. The meeting concluded with an executive session to address personnel matters. This summary was generated using AI.?


Public Comments 00:01:19

Approval of Minutes: 12/4/24 00:02:02

Public Works 00:02:43

Public Safety\Police & Fire Chief 00:04:08

Code Enforcement 00:12:40

Recreation & Community Events 00:15:03

Public Buildings 00:15:59

Finance and Administration\Approval Nov Financials 00:16:06

Treasurer 00:16:47

City Clerk 00:17:07

City Attorney 00:17:20

Ordinance 25-01 00:19:53

Amend text of zoning ordinance related to Accessory Dwelling Units (first reading).

Old Business 00:26:24

New Business 00:27:26

Old tennis courts greenspace park - Optimist Club request

Remarks on vouchers #34937-35061 00:33:42

Executive Session 00:33:53

Per KRS 61.810 (1) (f) Discussion which might lead to the appointment, discipline, or dismissal of employee without restricting that employee's right to a public hearing if requested.

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