Bellevue P&Z: 1/27/25

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The Bellevue Planning & Zoning Commission met to address several agenda items, including the swearing-in of a new commissioner, Rebecca Simpson, and discussions on land use and zoning matters. The primary focus was on a proposed subdivision at 485–509 Van Vost Avenue. The applicant sought approval to divide a ¾-acre property into six residential lots. While the proposal met zoning regulations and subdivision requirements, concerns from neighboring residents were raised about potential geotechnical issues, hillside stability, water runoff, parking, and construction disruptions. The commission approved the lot division but emphasized that future construction plans would require geotechnical studies and additional public review. The meeting also revisited regulations for medical cannabis dispensaries. The commission reaffirmed its earlier decision to confine dispensaries to designated shopping center zones, citing public safety and accessibility considerations. A resolution was passed to honor long-serving commissioner Carol Schulte for her 50 years of service to the Bellevue community. The meeting concluded after hearing public comments on various topics, including requests for revisiting land use designations and hillside development concerns. Disclaimer: This summary was generated using AI and may not capture all meeting nuances or discussions.


Roll Call 00:03:15

New Business 00:03:51

PZ-24-045 Word of Mouth Construction Services, LLC Final Plat Approval for a Six-Lot Subdivision at 485-509 Van Voast Ave

Administrator's Report 00:49:17

Feedback on Medical Cannabis

Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes 00:54:43

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