The Alexandria City Council met to discuss a range of city planning, infrastructure, and community development topics. A major focus was a presentation on the city's Public Works facility study, which analyzed potential locations and funding options for a new facility. After reviewing multiple sites, the council favored the Constable Drive location, adjacent to the new City Hall, due to its accessibility and operational benefits. The estimated cost for the new facility is $6.3 million, with potential funding sources including land sales and state funding. The council also discussed ongoing traffic safety concerns on Four Mile Road, where local residents expressed concerns over large tractor-trailers causing road damage and safety hazards. Residents requested the city’s support in urging state transportation officials to restrict truck traffic on the road. In other business, the council approved an ordinance establishing zoning regulations for medical cannabis businesses, limiting dispensaries to highway commercial zones and other facilities to industrial zones. Additional approvals included the disposal of outdated city equipment, the sale of a police command bus to Northern Kentucky SWAT, and the appointment of Linda Vogelpohl to the Alexandria Board of Ethics. Updates were provided on the city’s pickleball court project, expected to be completed by June 15, and preliminary discussions on next year’s budget have begun. The meeting concluded with the council entering an executive session, with no formal action taken afterward. Disclaimer: This summary was generated using AI and may not capture all meeting nuances or discussions.
Facilities Study – Brandstetter Carrol
Medical Cannabis Zoning Text Amendments
Surplus Property – Community Center Fridge
Surplus Property – PD Command Bus
Appoint Linda Vogelpohl to Board of Ethics
Opposing Centralized Collection of Occupational Taxes
Amplify Alexandria
• February 11, 7:00pm – Board of Ethics • February 12, 7:00pm – Board of Adjustments • February 18, 7:00pm – Planning & Zoning
February 17 – Office Closed in observance of Presidents’ Day
Pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)(f) for discussions which might lead to the appointment, discipline, or dismissal of an individual employee, member, or student without restricting that employee’s, member’s, or student’s right to a public hearing if requested. This exception shall not be interpreted to permit discussion of general personnel matters in secret. The City Attorney and Police Chief are invited to join the discussion to provide background, legal input, opinions and advice; and the City Administrator is invited to join the discussion to provide background, factual information, guidance and opinions. No action will be taken tonight as a result of this meeting.”